Verb • personate • feign • act | |
का: presumably belonging to of by squander encode | |
अभिनय: acting spectacle theatricals shew show dramatics | |
अभिनय करना: acting out act enact play stage perform portray | |
करना: transaction commission advertising commence | |
का अभिनय करना in English
[ ka abhinaya karana ] sound:
का अभिनय करना sentence in Hindi
- He did not even reach out his hand for his evening paper , or turn on the wireless on the dresser . They could see he was struggling to command his face , trying to force it to wear its usual peaceful expression , but he was a bad actor .
इस शाम उन्होंने अखबार नहीं उठाया , न ही मेज पर रखे रेडियो से कोई छेड़छाड़ की साफ़ ज़ाहिर होता था कि वे अपने चेहरे को संयत बनाने की भरसक कोशिश कर रहे हैं ताकि वे सहज - शान्त भाव से दूसरों से आँखें मिला सकें । किन्तु किसी तरह का अभिनय करना उनके बूते के बाहर था ।